Monday 19 October 2015


When El Coliseo became too small to house the growing number of fans, CMLL added Arena Mexico to their venues and regular events continue to be held in both buildings. In the 82nd Anniversary show, the much publicised Mascara vs Mascara saw La Sombra lose to Atlantis. As with all CMLL shows cameras are not allowed, unless you manage to evade the police! 
The show is every bit as spectacular as any American promotion and Lucha Libre remains a hugely popular sport - yes, it is still considered a sport - second only to football.
On a personal note, it was also good to be in the Arena where my family appeared in a different show for Circo Atayde Hermanos in 1980 with their lions, tigers and aerial acts, and to see the plaque for that show in the foyer.

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